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Publish projects as HTML5 files with Adobe Captivate.Upload an Adobe Captivate project to a Learning Management System

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- Publish projects as executable files


Automating user import. Classroom trainings. Course level reports. Create custom user groups. Customize email templates. Employee as learners. Gamification and badges. Harvard ManageMentor. Integration with Adobe Connect and other video conferencing tools. Integration with Salesforce and Workday. Integration with third-party content. Internal and external users. Learner transcripts. Managing user groups. Overview of auto-generated user groups. Self-Paced trainings.

Set up announcements. Set up external users. Set up gamification. Set up internal users. Types of course modules. Virtual classroom trainings. Adobe Connect Mobile. Virtual Conferences. Unified Communications. September 2, Publishing to HTML5. Newbie 3 posts. Followers: 0 people. Thanks in advance. Similar Blogs. Lieve Weymeis. That is a very short question which needs more explanation. Add Comment. Cancel You must be logged in to post a comment.

Subscribe to our newsletter. That's it! Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter! Download free day trial of Adobe Captivate. Free Trial. Register now. Learning Hub Getting started with elearning.

Live sessions. In-depth tutorials. Responsive simulation. Full motion recording. Advanced actions. Conditional actions. Learning interactions. Drag and Drop interactions. Deprecated features. Adobe eLearning Conference. Adobe Learning Summit. Adobe Captivate Specialist Roadshows. Account settings. Adobe Captivate Prime. Auto enrollment using learning plans.

Automating user import. Classroom trainings. Course level reports. Create custom user groups. Customize email templates. Employee as learners. Gamification and badges. Harvard ManageMentor. Integration with Adobe Connect and other video conferencing tools. Integration with Salesforce and Workday. Integration with third-party content. Internal and external users.

Learner transcripts. Managing user groups. Overview of auto-generated user groups. Self-Paced trainings. Set up announcements. Set up external users. Set up gamification.

Set up internal users. Types of course modules. Virtual classroom trainings. Adobe Connect Mobile. Virtual Conferences. Unified Communications. December 10, Newbie 1 posts. Followers: 0 people. Adobe Captivate 8. Similar Blogs. Lieve Weymeis. The HTML tracker is not perfect.


- Shippensburg University - Captivate


Users can click the globe icon next to Choose from Map in the Variables dialog as shown below:. Note: To use this map support feature, connect to the Internet. For example, in the above snapshot, a location map of San Francisco city has been chosen from the map and the corresponding values are populated. Users can type coordinates if they are already aware of them, or select location from map to fetch the values automatically. Consider a scenario where you have created a course for German-speaking people residing in Germany.

You can use the Google map and choose Germany typing in the search bar. As shown in Figure - A, you have the location accuracy value as meters encompassing most of the area of Germany. At a later stage, if you want to expand your course availability to more countries, then click the red colored pin at the outer part of circle and drag it to match your locations. Figure -B demonstrates the extended location accuracy values that you would have chosen in this scenario.

To learn more about Captivate and how you can create engaging learning content, download the following projects:. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Preview and publish responsive projects Search. Captivate User Guide. Select an article: Select an article:. Applies to: Captivate. Get update now! Asset Panel not loading in Adobe Captivate release?

Read More to find a solution. Preview responsive projects. From Toolbar, Click Preview icon. Previewing responsive projects. Choose the appropriate menu item from the drop-down list. Different publish options. Publish for Devices dialog. A dialog box appears as shown in the following screenshot:. Publishing to Adobe Connect. Publish for devices from Windows 8 OS.

Publishing to Windows 8 operating system. Gestures and Geolocation. The Mobile gestures palette. Click Save and OK. From an expert: Location aware learning with Adobe Captivate. Emulate geolocation while testing your project. Free Projects. Learning Hub. Register for AEW Interactive eLearning. Personalize background. Software simulation. Responsive simulation. Full motion recording. Advanced actions. Conditional actions. Learning interactions. Drag and Drop interactions.

Deprecated features. Adobe eLearning Conference. Adobe Learning Summit. Adobe Captivate Specialist Roadshows. Account settings. Adobe Captivate Prime. Auto enrollment using learning plans. Automating user import. Classroom trainings. Course level reports. Create custom user groups. Customize email templates. Employee as learners.

Gamification and badges. Harvard ManageMentor. Integration with Adobe Connect and other video conferencing tools. Integration with Salesforce and Workday. Integration with third-party content. Internal and external users. Learner transcripts. Managing user groups. Overview of auto-generated user groups. Self-Paced trainings. Set up announcements. Set up external users. Set up gamification. Set up internal users. Types of course modules. Virtual classroom trainings. Adobe Connect Mobile. Virtual Conferences.

Unified Communications. December 10,



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